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NY Lavpris system frigivet 2024:

ALPHA BLU 4-ways – 220 Vac og 24 Vac DC


Marinaer – Swimming poolsGolf coursesSmall ponds – Springvand – AquariumsWater tanksFish tanks

Cover 60 Acres against Blu Green Algae, 8 Acres against Green Algae and 1.5 Acres against Biofilm.
Comes with 30m cable.


ALPHA 4-ways and ALPHA 2-ways


ALPHA manufacturing is proudly based in USA

STRONGER 2024 ALPHA Quattro-DB® 4-ways MAKS

ALPHA DB® 4-ways ultrasound transducer sends more than 2000
different frequency ultrasound waves simultaneously in 4 directions.
Android Bluetooth connected.

ALPHA DB™ Mezzo 2-ways ultrasound transducer sends more than 2000
different frequency ultrasound waves simultaneously in 2 directions.
Android phone Bluetooth connected.

ALPHA DB® BLU 4-måder low-cost ultrasound transducer for swimming pools
and smaller applications, sends ultrasound waves simultaneously in 4 directions.
Cover 60 acres of Blue Green algae, 8 acres of Green algae and 1.5 acres og biofilm.

Comes with 30m transducer cable and float. 220 Vac og 24 Vac.
Android Bluetooth connected.


Our new monitoring is the most sophisticated system the world has ever seen.
SolaRAFT controller with Bluetooth distance up to 100 meters.


  • System and modules designed to IP67/68 protection

  • High efficiency solar controller with intelligent wireless & serial communications.

  • High Energy Density, ultra-light weight battery with Energy Status indicator & capacity reporting.

  • Ample energy collection from dual high wattage solar panels and increased battery storage capacity allows the SolaRaft-iQBD™ to properly power the water quality monitoring system and up to two Mezzo-DB® or Quattro-DB® Ultrasonic Algae Control Transducers.

  • The Solaraft-QDB® buoy is also available without telemetry or water quality monitoring.

  • Our buoy system is highly configurable for many applications.

  • Wireless and Cellular communications antenna.

  • Coast Guard approved beacon.

  • High energy density, high efficiency, solar panels with flip access.

  • Sturdy side panels with hand lift access holes.

  • Lightweight, Hydro-Dynamic Instrumentation Yellow, Impact Resistant Buoy.


SunSonix™ is an environmentally safe,
system designed to run on clean solar power, which then powers your applications.
The land based solar panel system runs your device(s) and charges the system’s lithium batteries during the day.
At nighttime, the batteries continue to run your device(s)
High efficiency solar controller with intelligent wireless & serial communications.
High Energy Density, ultra light weight battery.
Ample energy collection from the high-wattage solar panel and battery.
Storage capacity allows SunSonix to properly power up two ALPHA Quattro 4-ways Algae control transducers.



  • Real time frequency and power level measurement and analysis
  • Large high resolution Graphics LCD touch screen with real time clock
  • Standard USB Type-C interface for firmware upgrades and Audio File transfers
  • Standard USB Type-C interface for firmware upgrades and Audio File transfers
  • Ample built-in memory to capture and retain audio recordings for playback
  • Built-in speaker with adjustable volume, Sound recording available in .wav format
  • View data in real time with color graphics charts, graphs and instant values
  • Very Wide Dynamic range from 10kHz to greater than 200kHz depending on
    hydrophone or microphone used
  • Microphone and Hydrophone options available
  • Bluetooth capable. Works with free Android applications.
  • Exceptional battery life with auto shutoff and sleep mode
  • Lightweight, ergonomic
  • Heavy duty waterproof instrument carrying case supplied Available in black and field visibility orange


For too long, the solution to treating the toxic algae growth on bodies of water has been to use chemicals
such as chlorine that in turn are toxic themselvesa fight fire with fire approach.
Moving forward, there’s a safer, healthier approach to destroying green and blue-green algae: ultrasonic algae management.

Algae move to the water surface for photosynthesis to grow, and to the bottom of the water column for nutrients.

ALPHA 4-ways solution for:


List of Algae ALPHA 4-ways will control.

Dictyospharium, Aphanochaete, Anabaena, Phanizomenon, Cyctyospharium, Cysotella, Arcella,, Botrycoccus, Brauni, Botrycoccus, Arcella, Spirogyra, Gloeoystis, Lagerheima, Aphanizomenon, Chlamy, Tenuissima, Botrys, Merismopedia, Chroococcus,, Chlamydonas, Micractinium, Quadricauda, Scenedesmus, Fragilaria, Aphanizomenon, Gomphonema, Chlorella , Scenedesmus acuminates , Sphaerocystis schroeteri , Chloromonas, Tabellaria , Coelastrum , Staurastrum , Tribonema, Navicula minima, Phacus, Pinnularia, Lyngbya, Cosmariu, Crucigenia, Cryptomonas, Ulothrix, Coelastrum, Staurastrum , Oocystis, Nitzschia, Erosa and Oocystis


ALPHA ultrasound system eliminates up to 95 % of the existing algae, bio film and bacteria’s.
  1. Types of algae ALPHA system is effective against?
    The following genum (above) and species (below) are commonly controlled by ultrasound: Aphanizomenon, Cyclotella, Pseudanabaena, Anabaena, Dictyosphaerium, Phacus, Aphanochaete, Fragilaria, Pinnularia, Arcella, Gloeocystis, Planktothrix, Gomphonema, Chlamydomonas, Lagerheima, Chlorella, Lyngbya, Chroococcus, Micractinium, Spirogyra, Coelastrum, Staurastrum, Microcystis, Cosmarium, Tabellaria, Crucigenia, Nitzschia, Tribonema, Ulothrix, Botrycoccus braunii, Rhodomonas minuta, Scenedesmus acuminates, Scenedesmus quadricauda, Merismopedia tenuissima, Sphaerocystis schroeteri, Chloromonas botrys, Navicula minima, Cryptomonas erosa, and Oocystis pusilla.
  2. What happens to the waste algae?
    The waste algae becomes less buoyant and sinks to the bottom of the body of water. In aquifers, lakes, ponds, and other bodies of water, the waste algae gets eaten and reabsorbed by the local wildlife. In swimming pools, aquifers, and other water retention systems, the filtration systems remove the remnants.
  3. What is cavitation?
    Cavitation is a phenomenon in which rapid changes in water pressure result in the formation of small vapor-filledvoids”. When again subjected to higher pressure, these voids collapse and generate shock waves capable of damaging nearby equipment and structures.
  4. Why is cavitation bad for algae management?
    If algae is growing near a cavitation void, the resulting shockwave damages the outer cell wall of the algae, releasing all of the toxins into the water. This can lead to massive fish kills and the destruction of the water ecology. That’s why ALPHA don’t make cavitation.
  5. What is Bio Film?
    Bio film is bacteria that attach permanently to almost all type of surfaces and colonize reversibly so mussels and barnacle can attach. Ultrasound prevent biofilm to adhering.


emit sound waves to create an environment of critical structural resonance. The resonance causes a very unique environment in the immediate vicinity as it can critically vibrate internal parts of green algae and diatoms causing them to internally tear apart preventing proper fluid flow. I blågrønne alger, denne effekt får gasvesikelrør til at knække, hvilket forårsager tab af opdrift, og de synker ud af lys. Resonansen får også bakterier til at undgå kolonisering, fordi det ligner vandturbulens, en tilstand de undgår i naturen. Dette hjælper med at holde væggene rene. Forebyggelsen af ​​den indledende bakterievækst eliminerer vedhæftning af alger, smykker, og andre krebsdyr.
Most concerns about ultrasonic algae and biofilm technology arise from conditions that occur from cavitation. This is a phenomenon that can occur in very close proximity to some ultrasonic algae control devices due to running them at over powered conditions, but even these devices cannot project cavitation more than a few centimeters from the device. Cavitation is a very powerful water phenomenon that first became known to engineers back in the early days of steam powered ocean-going vessels. By trying to speed up these vessels merely by increasing the propeller speed, they created hydraulically induced cavitation on the surface of the propellers that literally destroyed them over time. This occurs due to extreme turbulence that causes voids (vacuum) pin points in the water that collapse and compress dissolved gases from the water into very tiny bubbles that generate extreme temperatures for about a millionth of a second. It is these very high temperatures that can cause damage to virtually anything in contact with it.
To cause these effects in a large body of water would be virtually impossible without creating very high water velocities or by creating shockwaves that leave a wake of cavitation bubbles behind them. I know about this because I have been working on such technology for use in waste water remediation of solid waste and it is a very difficult thing to achieve and requires thousands of volts of electricity to create. Ultrasonically, you can create this effect, but need something close to a sonar pulse of thousands of watts like you might find in a submarine or a naval battleship.
The ultrasonic algae control devices generally have peak wattage levels of less than 50 watts and some of them can create a very small amount of cavitation at the surface of the device, but it does not project into the water body. This is due to the principle of loss of sound over distance which drops 20 dB every log meter. When we designed the operation of our ALPHA transducere, we kept the output volume below the threshold of cavitation (about 195 dB at 1 meter away) so that even if you touch the device while it is operating, you will not sense any cavitation. I did this because I have personally been burned by cavitation twice due to touching a device that was emitting at its peak power. I did not want anyone using our device to ever have to experience that sensation. Even with those devices, you must be physically touching it to sense cavitation. The effect is not projected into the water column.



Bio film is a coating of bacteria or microbes, which develop, due to an interaction between the surface and micro-organisms.
Biofilm er et avanceret samfund af mikroorganismer (såsom bakterier, svampe og vira) som er pakket ind i en selvgenereret, beskyttende slim. Mikroorganismer foretrækker et liv med biofilm. Vi finder biofilm overalt i naturen, hvor der er fugt og næring, ja på slimhinderne og andre overflader i kroppen.
The formation of biofilm occurs in water pipes, water tanks and the like. Usually they consist of relatively harmless micro-organisms, but can also allow contaminants to gain a foothold, grow and develop in these biofilm. Biofilm can thus become a reservoir of infection, both directly and indirectly, i.e. if the water is used in offices for the production of food.
We must develop new strategies to both, prevent unwanted biofilms and to remove the finished-formed bio films. In addition, more knowledge about the ‘anti bio film effect’ of traditional methods, ‘bio-prospecting’ will become be important.

The attached image from Texas A&M conclusively shows that outer cell walls of algae are not broken by ultrasound.

The gas from the internally broken gas vesicles which are only a protein layer thick, release their gas and it accumulates on boundary of the outer wall. From their it slowly diffuses out to render the cell heavier than water.

For comparison, our devices only use a fraction of the power used in a other ultrasound imaging device. They also use less power than a typical boat depth finder that have never been found to be detrimental to aquatic life.
All the issues generated in the literature review what was cited were based on a very poor understanding of the principles of the ultrasonic algae control device operation. These devices do not lyse algae cells and cause them to release toxins. It is physically impossible. Ja, if you put a device in a beaker and turned it on it would be possible to lyse some algae cells that might be very near the surface of the output sound emission point, but in an open water environment that does not even occur within a centimeter of the device.
Toxins released by blue-green algae are created to share microcystin (or similar compounds that they make) provide a source of Nitrogen for the algae colonies. They are made by specialized cells called heterocysts. Nitrogen is essential to the growth of an algae bloom. For example, amino acids and chlorophyll cannot be made without Nitrogen. Blue-green algae make this chemical (microcystin) in abundance when there is insufficient Nitrates in the water to supply the necessary amount of Nitrogen. It just happens to be toxic to humans and other mammals. When these algae die, they basically stop making this toxic material, they do not release it. In lakes where we have deployed ultrasound for algae control, blue-green algae are soon rendered heavier than water causing them to sink to lower levels in the water. At these levels the heterocysts cannot get enough UV light to continue to make microcystin, so the level soon becomes so low that it is even difficult to measure. This also severely hampers the bloom growth due to lack of light and lack of self-created nitrogen compounds.
We have devices in fish hatcheries and ponds around the world. No fish has ever been harmed by an ultrasonic algae control device and we have probably save millions of fish by controlling harmful algae blooms without chemicals.
If you read the literature review, you will see that there was no evidence cited of many of the supposed adverse macrocosm effects that were conjectured. That is because there isn’t any evidence that these kinds of problems can arise. If there were, I would not be in this business.
As to the kinds of problems that are real and can occur due to use ultrasonic algae control technology, I know of only one. If there is a significant bloom occurring and you place one of our devices in the pond or lake, it is possible to have a rapid die-off of algae. Because bacteria will begin to consume the dying algae, the bacteria can over consume oxygen from the water. Under these conditions, it is advised to have some supplemental aeration in the pond, at least temporarily during the algae die off. The same condition can occur if chemicals are used to kill the algae suddenly. We generally recommend having the devices in service early in the season before any significant blooms can occur. Many people do not know that algae consume almost as much oxygen at night as they produce in the day. This can cause severe swings in the dissolved oxygen level from day to night. Typically, at dawn the oxygen level will be at its lowest point. If you see your fish gulping for air at dawn, then they are being deprived of oxygen. When a bloom like this suddenly fails for whatever reason, the combined effects of not making oxygen and bacteria consuming oxygen as they eat the dying algae can lead to an oxygen level that is too low to support the fish. Typically, the larger fish die. Being in this business for over ten years now, I have had many people call too late because they have just lost most of their fish. It is not a pleasant call to take.
Supplemental aeration is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your water system. It supplies oxygen from the top to the bottom of the water column. This encourages aerobic bacterial action as opposed to anaerobic bacterial action. Anaerobic bacteria release phosphates from organic material they eat near the bottom of the water column. Blue-green algae have adapted to this phenomenon and daily sink themselves to the bottom at night so that they can get better access to richer phosphate nutrients. The movement up and down the water column is due to naturally becoming heavier than water during the day as they build hydrocarbon ballast via photosynthesis. They maintain a delicate weight balance to achieve this. Ultrasonic damage to their gas vesicles renders them permanently heavier than water after about 3-4 days due to the gas from the vesicles migrating from the tiny tubes out to the outer cell wall. The outer cell wall cannot prevent the gas from slowly diffusing through it and as it does the cells begin to become too heavy to return to the surface for light.
Aerobic bacteria can be used to help remove excess phosphates from the organic muck at the bottom of the pond or lake. We subscribe to using these beneficial bacteria for this purpose as they can absorb and remove phosphates from the water. We call the use of ultrasound, beneficial bacteria and aeration The Water Trifecta®. It is a proven method of restoring pond health and an easy to maintain water environment that everyone, including the fish, can enjoy.


…. which develop, due to an interaction between the surface and micro-organisms. Biofilm er et avanceret samfund af mikroorganismer (såsom bakterier, svampe og vira) som er pakket ind i en selvgenereret, beskyttende slim. Mikroorganismer foretrækker et liv med biofilm. Vi finder biofilm overalt i naturen, hvor der er fugt og næring, ja på slimhinderne og andre overflader i kroppen.

The formation of biofilm occurs in water pipes, water tanks and the like. Usually they consist of relatively harmless micro-organisms, but can also allow contaminants to gain a foothold, grow and develop in these biofilm. Biofilm can thus become a reservoir of infection, both directly and indirectly, i.e. if the water is used in offices for the production of food.

We must develop new strategies to both, prevent unwanted biofilms and to remove the finished-formed bio films. In addition, more knowledge about the ‘anti bio film effect’ of traditional methods, ‘bio-prospecting’ will become be important.

Drinking water pipes and equipment are also especially exposed to biofilms. For example, biofilm in water can appear in an ordinary air conditioning plant and a chicken house, can become a reservoir for salmonella.


Microorganisms can form biofilm on mucous membranes, e.g. gills in fish. Both immune apparatus and antibiotics have problems removing germs in biofilm. Diseases are often chronic, leading to tissue damage and is very difficult to treat. The formation of biofilm on/in the fish, could be a possible contribution to the development of the disease, thus preventing the wound healing. We have today, limited methods to manage and prevent sustainable disease outbreaks, where biofilm plays a role.

There is very little knowledge of biofilm properties and infection in fish, with substances, despite the fact that most of the water is covered in biofilm. There is, therefore, a great need for knowledge about the effect of H2O Algae Control ultrasound systems and the importance of biofilm in the development and spread of disease in farmed fish.


ALPHA has been in Ultrasonic Technology industry for over 9 years and was the first to develop, what is now, the industry leader in Ultrasound against Marine and algae growth to the maritime and land-based industry. With the development through the years, we are still leading the algae-free industry, when it comes to this technology. The advanced rate algorithms, for the commercial and industrial sector, have had great results. The ALPHA series is the most advanced and powerful solution developed. ALPHA Ultrasound is also the best solution for Bio-fouling problems in cooling towers, cooling systems, drinking water and pipes on the market. Tests has shown that the system works without the addition of toxic and hazardous chemicals.


Water is an excellent environment for ‘biofilm production’ (“fouling”) and it will form biofilms on all fixed surfaces in water i.e. fish-breeding installations. These biofilms will largely consist of environmental organisms (but pathogenic bacteria, fungi and viruses can also establish themselves and survive in these biofilms) and contribute to repetitive disease outbreaks. Today we have very little knowledge about the possible meaning of this.


Microorganisms can form biofilm on mucous membranes, e.g. gills in fish. Both immune apparatus and antibiotics have problems removing germs in biofilm. Diseases are often chronic, leading to tissue damage and is very difficult to treat. The formation of biofilm on/in the fish, could be a possible contribution to the development of the disease, thus preventing the wound healing. We have today, limited methods to manage and prevent sustainable disease outbreaks, where biofilm plays a role.


There is very little knowledge of biofilm properties and infection in fish, with substances, despite the fact that most of the water is covered in biofilm. There is, therefore, a great need for knowledge about the effect of ALGAEFREE ultrasound mod ALPHA. The ALHA 4-ways control the importance of biofilm in the development and spread of disease in farmed fish.


Mussels live mainly in algae, that is in sea water and this where the problems begin with the mussels clog systems. This in turn leads to the higher temperatures in the cooling of water. Businesses that use sea water for cooling, have two solutions, chemicals and cleaning. It turns out that the mussels have become so clever that when the chemicals get into the water system they close them out and survive.


It’s not just in medicine and the food industry that microbes offer problems. Boat and ship hulls come in contact with many micro-organisms when these are being launched. These will, after a short time, cover the hull. First comes the bacteria that creates a biofilm that barnacles and shells like to attach themselves to. This means that the boat/ship will experience more friction between the hull and the water, which in turn increases fuel consumption.


Ultrasonic control of algae is a documented method. Ultrasonic processing is used in many industries and has long been known to destroy bacteria and algae on a molecular level. This has been tested by many universities and research institutes around the world (including thoroughly tested and proven by the Australian Navy). ALGAEFREE technology brings this ultrasound solution for a reliable, secure, power conscious and very effective system with many years of experience that is required to use the solution effectively for water treatment.

Brug af ultralyd gennem vand kan eliminere op til 95% of the existing bacteria and algae and manage growth, thus reducing or eliminating the need of chemical dosing. ALPHA systems prevent the formation of new algae in both sessile and planktonic form.


Ultrasound also improves the reaction between chemicals and re-agents, to better effect, when necessary. When the algae and bacteria are drastically reduced through the use of the ALPHA system, we can drastically reduce, or even eliminate the requirements of chemical dosing.


Mussels live mainly of algae, that is in sea water and this where the problems begin with the mussels clog systems. This in turn leads to the higher temperatures in the cooling of water. Businesses that use sea water for cooling, have two solutions, chemicals and cleaning. It turns out that the mussels have become so clever that when the chemicals get into the water system they close them out and survive.

The mussels main consumption are microscopic algae, phytoplankton, but they will also be able to make use of other organic particles such as bacteria and detritus. Mussels live by filtering out and eating small, organic particles from the sea. The main feed for the shells is freely floating, microscopic algae, called the plant plankton or algae-plankton. The presence of toxic algal plankton shells will accumulate from these toxins. The amount of toxic algae present, says something about the risk that shells can accumulate algae-toxins, to levels that make them unfit for consumption.

Reduce the chance for legionella formation
Legionella is a serious bacterial growth that is formed in the course of the water masses, namely when there is a higher CFU/mL level than the industry standard. Legionella can cause severe health problems in humans when spread through air conditioning and through the use of Ultrasonic technology from ALPHA, the risk of legionella can be greatly reduced.


ALPHA Ultrasonic System sound, model ALPHA 2-directions and ALPHA 4-directions emit sound waves to create an environment of critical structural resonance. The resonance causes a very unique environment in the immediate vicinity as it can critically vibrate internal parts of green algae and diatoms causing them to internally tear apart preventing proper fluid flow. I blågrønne alger, denne effekt får gasvesikelrør til at knække, hvilket forårsager tab af opdrift, og de synker ud af lys. Resonansen får også bakterier til at undgå kolonisering, fordi det ligner vandturbulens, en tilstand de undgår i naturen. Dette hjælper med at holde væggene rene. Forebyggelsen af ​​den indledende bakterievækst eliminerer vedhæftning af alger, smykker, og andre krebsdyr.

Blue-green algae make this chemical (microcystic) in abundance when there is insufficient Nitrates in the water to supply the necessary amount of Nitrogen. It just happens to be toxic to humans and other mammals. When these algae die, they basically stop making this toxic material, they do not release it. In lakes where we have deployed ultrasound for algae control, blue-green algae are soon rendered heavier than water causing them to sink to lower levels in the water. At these levels the heterocyst’s cannot get enough UV light to continue to make microcystic, so the level soon becomes so low that it is even difficult to measure.

This also severely hampers the bloom growth due to lack of light and lack of self-created nitrogen compounds. We have devices in fish hatcheries and ponds around the world. No fish has ever been harmed by an ultrasonic algae control device and we have probably save millions of fish by controlling harmful algae blooms without chemicals.

If you read the literature review, you will see that there was no evidence cited of many of the supposed adverse macrocosm effects that were conjectured. That is because there isn’t any evidence that these kinds of problems can arise. If there were, I would not be in this business.
As to the kinds of problems that are real and can occur due to use ultrasonic algae control technology, I know of only one. If there is a significant bloom occurring and you place one of our devices in the pond or lake, it is possible to have a rapid die-off of algae. Because bacteria will begin to consume the dying algae, the bacteria can over consume oxygen from the water.

Under these conditions, it is advised to have some supplemental aeration in the pond, at least temporarily during the algae die off. The same condition can occur if chemicals are used to kill the algae suddenly. We generally recommend having the devices in service early in the season before any significant blooms can occur. Many people do not know that algae consume almost as much oxygen at night as they produce in the day. This can cause severe swings in the dissolved oxygen level from day to night. Typically, at dawn the oxygen level will be at its lowest point. If you see your fish gulping for air at dawn, then they are being deprived of oxygen.

When a bloom like this suddenly fails for whatever reason, the combined effects of not making oxygen and bacteria consuming oxygen as they eat the dying algae can lead to an oxygen level that is too low to support the fish. Typically, the larger fish die. Being in this business for over ten years now, I have had many people call too late because they have just lost most of their fish. It is not a pleasant call to take.

Supplemental aeration is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your water system. It supplies oxygen from the top to the bottom of the water column. This encourages aerobic bacterial action as opposed to anaerobic bacterial action. Anaerobic bacteria release phosphates from organic material they eat near the bottom of the water column. Blue-green algae have adapted to this phenomenon and daily sink themselves to the bottom at night so that they can get better access to richer phosphate nutrients.

The movement up and down the water column is due to naturally becoming heavier than water during the day as they build hydrocarbon ballast via photosynthesis. They maintain a delicate weight balance to achieve this. Ultrasonic damage to their gas vesicles renders them permanently heavier than water after about 3-4 days due to the gas from the vesicles migrating from the tiny tubes out to the outer cell wall. The outer cell wall cannot prevent the gas from slowly diffusing through it and as it does the cells begin to become too heavy to return to the surface for light.
Aerobic bacteria can be used to help remove excess phosphates from the organic muck at the bottom of the pond or lake. We subscribe to using these beneficial bacteria for this purpose as they can absorb and remove phosphates from the water. We call the use of ultrasound, beneficial bacteria and aeration The Water Trifecta®. It is a proven method of restoring pond health and an easy to maintain water environment that everyone, including the fish, can enjoy.


Effective treatment to control algae and reduce the chance for legionella formation.

Brug af ultralyd gennem vand kan eliminere op til 95% of the existing bacteria and algae and manage growth, thus reducing or eliminating the need of chemical dosing. Algaefree systems prevent the formation of new algae in both sessile and planktonic form.

Drastically reduced use of chemicals. Ultrasound also improves the reaction between chemicals and re-agents, to better effect, when necessary. When the algae and bacteria are drastically reduced through the use of the alpha system, we can drastically reduce, or even eliminate the requirements of chemical dosing.

Drinking water pipes and equipment are also especially exposed to biofilms. For example, biofilm in water can appear in an ordinary air conditioning plant and a chicken house, can become a reservoir for salmonella.

Legionella is a serious bacterial growth that is formed in the course of the water masses, namely when there is a higher CFU/mL level than the industry standard. Legionella can cause severe health problems in humans when spread through air conditioning and through the use of Ultrasonic technology from ALGAEFREE the risk of legionella can be greatly reduced.


Water treatment plants already have their work cut out for them. Further complicating the difficult but necessary task of filtering and purifying our water is the presence of algal blooms in holding tanks. Green and blue-green algae can develop on the surface of this water, which can necessitate extra steps in water treatment. Larger growths can clog intakes, while smaller bacteria are able to successfully find their way through filters. With more impurities in the water, facilities must work harder, using more chlorine to treat water and eliminate the toxins and foul odors that attend these blooms. In order to prevent these growths from occurring, consider employing targeted ultrasound in one of our algae management systems for water treatment plants.
Using ultrasonic waves as a deterrent to algal growth is a simple solution to the growth of simple organisms. By calibrating ultrasound waves to a certain frequency, these waves disrupt the natural processes of green and blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, neutralizing their growth and preventing them from overtaking a body of water. The ultrasound transducer can be a stationary submerged unit in smaller bodies of water or a floating solar-powered pontoon in larger bodies of water or where land-based solutions would not be ideal.
When working with holding tanks, cavitation is a concern. Changes in pressure can cause voids to occur in a liquid, and there is nothing playful about these bubbles. Such voids can be damaging to equipment and structures. In extreme cases, a high degree of cavitation could even cause a tank to rupture. Fortunately, the waves from our ultrasonic algae control systems pose no threat of cavitation. This allows water treatment facilities to deal with algal blooms safely. Engineers can keep algae from developing in the water with no fear of forces so disruptive as to cause catastrophic damage—or any damage at all.

Some of the results achieved in the aquaculture using the ALPHA models.

Aquaculture models are:

• Strong reduction in algae concentration (about 90-95% % reduction)
• Reduction of biofilm formation
• Reduction of fouling and other growth on fish cages (inland and open sea)
• Reduction ß-cyclocitrol, 2-methylisoborneol concentration
• Reduction in microcyst Ines (cyanobacteria toxins)
• Reduction of TSS, turbidity, BOD, COD levels etc.
• Reduction of free bacterial counts (E. coli, Enterococci, total coliforms etc.)
• Reduction of ammonium and nitrite


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